From a user perspective, a circuit is like a program, which can be written in a programming language like Go. However, internally a circuit is a constraint system; that is, a list of constraints which have an algebraic form.
For Groth16, a constraint looks like where are constants and are variables which depend on the secret inputs known by a prover.
Translating a circuit, written with gnark API to such a constraint system is called the "arithmetization" of a circuit.
An important point is that every component of a constraint (variables, inputs and constants) live in , a finite field of characteristic . To write a circuit which contains a reasonable number of constraints, it is important to work on the field , so that the field in which the circuits variables live is the same as the field on which the constraint system reasons.
On the other hand, a circuit reasoning on variables which live in where , has a high number of constraints because of the algebraic constraints needed to emulate the arithmetic modulo on a field of characteristic .
Finally, the number of constraints in a circuit is limited; you cannot write arbitrarily large circuits. For example, using Groth16 on BN254, you cannot exceed ~ constraints.